PhoenixD Forschung

Publikationen im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters PhoenixD

Die Forschungsleistung des Exzellenzclusters PhoenixD zeigt sich in den zahlreichen Publikationen, die seit 2019 veröffentlicht wurden. Eine kontinuierlich aktualisierte Übersicht finden Sie auf dieser Seite. In externen Publikationsportalen können Sie nach Veröffentlichungen mit der Identifikationsnummer (Project-ID) 390833453 und dem Kürzel EXC-2122 suchen.

Zeige Ergebnisse 461 - 480 von 853


Binhammer, Y., Binhammer, T., Mevert, R., Lang, T., Rück, A., & Morgner, U. (2021). Fast-tunable femtosecond visible radiation via sum-frequency generation from a high power NIR NOPO. Optics express, 29(14), 22366-22375.
Bose, S., Melchert, O., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Morgner, U., Demircan, A., & Agrawal, G. P. (2021). Role of frequency dependence of the nonlinearity on a soliton's evolution in photonic crystal fibers. Optics letters, 46(16), 3921-3924.
Böß, V., Denkena, B., Dittrich, M.-A., Malek, T., & Friebe, S. (2021). Dexel-Based Simulation of Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5(1), Artikel 9.
Brunotte, W., Chazette, L., & Korte, K. (2021). Can Explanations Support Privacy Awareness? A Research Roadmap. In T. Yue, & M. Mirakhorli (Hrsg.), 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW) (S. 176-180). (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering; Band 2021-September). IEEE.
Canós Valero, A., Gurvitz, E. A., Benimetskiy, F. A., Pidgayko, D. A., Samusev, A., Evlyukhin, A. B., Bobrovs, V., Redka, D., Tribelsky, M. I., Rahmani, M., Kamali, K. Z., Pavlov, A. A., Miroshnichenko, A. E., & Shalin, A. S. (2021). Theory, Observation, and Ultrafast Response of the Hybrid Anapole Regime in Light Scattering. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 15(10), Artikel 2100114.
Chatzizyrli, E., Hinkelmann, M., Afentaki, A., Lachmayer, R., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Optimizing the laser diode ray tracing model for LERP system simulation based on likelihood image sampling. In European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2021 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). OSA - The Optical Society.
Chatzizyrli, E., Afentaki, A., Hinkelmann, M., Lachmayer, R., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Opto-thermal simulation model for optimizing the thermal response of the optical properties of Ce: YAG single-crystal phosphors. In D. G. Smith, F. Wyrowski, & A. Erdmann (Hrsg.), Computational Optics 2021 Artikel 118750G (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 11875). SPIE.
Chazette, L., Brunotte, W., & Speith, T. (2021). Exploring Explainability: A Definition, a Model, and a Knowledge Catalogue. In A. Moreira, K. Schneider, M. Vierhauser, & J. Cleland-Huang (Hrsg.), 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) (S. 197-208). (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering). IEEE.
Chichkov, N. B., Evlyukhin, A. B., & Chichkov, B. N. (2021). Massive surface-plasmon polaritons. Nanophotonics, 10(14), 3777-3778.
Chichkov, N. B., & Chichkov, B. N. (2021). On the origin of photon mass, momentum, and energy in a dielectric medium [Invited]. Optical materials express, 11(8), 2722-2729.
Denkena, B., Bergmann, B., Schmidtmann, J. P., & Schreiber, P. (2021). Präzise Mikrostrukturen produktiv fertigen. WT Werkstattstechnik, 111(11-12), 792-796.
Denkena, B., Dittrich, M. A., Nguyen, H. N., & Bild, K. (2021). Self-optimizing process planning of multi-step polishing processes. Production Engineering, 15(3-4), 563-571.
Dmitriev, V., Santos, S. D. S., Evlyukhin, A. B., Kupriianov, A. S., & Tuz, V. R. (2021). Toroidic and antitoroidic orders in hexagonal arrays of dielectric trimers: Magnetic group approach. Physical Review B, 103(16), Artikel 165402.
Escoto, E., Demircan, A., & Steinmeyer, G. (2021). Cage Solitons. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 57(2), Artikel 9321483.
Evlyukhin, A. B., Poleva, M. A., Prokhorov, A. V., Baryshnikova, K. V., Miroshnichenko, A. E., & Chichkov, B. N. (2021). Polarization Switching Between Electric and Magnetic Quasi-Trapped Modes in Bianisotropic All-Dielectric Metasurfaces. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 15(12), Artikel 2100206.
Fan, J., Zuber, D., Mevert, R., Lang, T., Binhammer, T., & Morgner, U. (2021). Kerr-lens mode-locked, synchronously pumped, ultra-broadband breathing pulse optical parametric oscillator. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO:S and I 2021 Artikel STu4C.4 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). OSA - The Optical Society.
Fan, J., Zuber, D., Mevert, R., Lang, T., Binhammer, T., & Morgner, U. (2021). Kerr-lens Mode-locked, Synchronously Pumped, Ultra-broadband Breathing Pulse Optical Parametric Oscillator. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: CLEO 2021 - Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Fedotova, O., Husakou, A., Rusetsky, G., Khasanov, O., Fedotov, A., Smirnova, T., Sapaev, U., & Babushkin, I. (2021). Mechanisms of Terahertz Generation under Femtosecond Pulses propagation in Nanocomposites. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference: CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Frauendorf, A. P., Niebur, A., Harms, L., Shree, S., Urbaszek, B., Oestreich, M., Hübner, J., & Lauth, J. (2021). Room Temperature Micro-Photoluminescence Studies of Colloidal WS2Nanosheets. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(34), 18841-18848.
Frei, S., Richter, T., & Wick, T. (2021). LocModFE: Locally modified finite elements for approximating interface problems in deal.II[Formula presented]. Software Impacts, 8, Artikel 100070.