A Python toolkit for solving the generalized Lugiato–Lefever equation

We present a Python toolkit for simulating the propagation dynamics of dissipative solitons in a variant of the Lugiato–Lefever equation (LLE) including dispersion terms of third and fourth order. In addition, the provided software allows to prepare initial conditions given by stationary localized solutions of the standard LLE in the anomalous group-velocity dispersion regime. Propagation scenarios for custom control parameters and initial conditions can be specified by the user via a simple class data structure. We demonstrate the implemented functionality by showing how to obtain stationary solutions of the standard LLE containing a dissipative soliton, and, demonstrating different characteristic propagation scenarios.  The pyGLLE software package is open-source and released under the X11 License in a publicly available software repository.

Platform: Python, using the functionality of numpy, scipy and matplotlib.

Read more and download the code from here:  

We prepared a Code Ocean capsule, allowing to directly run and modify an exemplary simulation without the need to create a local copy of the repository under the link:

The work is done by the team of Prof. Ayhan Demircan


[1] Melchert, Oliver and Demircan, Ayhan. pyGLLE: A Python toolkit for solving the generalized Lugiato–Lefever equation. SoftwareX 15 (2021): 100741.

[2] Melchert, Oliver and Demircan, Ayhan and Yulin, Alexey.  Multi-frequency radiation of dissipative solitons in optical fiber cavities. Scientific Reports 10 (2020): 8849.

[3] Melchert, Oliver and Yulin, Alexey and Demircan, Ayhan. Dynamics of localized dissipative structures in a generalized Lugiato–Lefever model with negative quartic group-velocity dispersion. Opt. Lett. 45 (2020): 2764.