Numerical investigation of the influence of process parameters and tool path on the temperature in the laser glass deposition (LGD) process

authored by
B. Denkena, M. A. Dittrich, T. Malek, K. Sleiman, K. Rettschlag, P. Jäschke, S. Kaierle

Additive manufacturing has gained interest in the industry due to its flexibility in design and the possibility to integrate functionalities. Thereby, glass has a high potential to be developed also in this field due to its thermal stability, chemical resistance, and optical transmission. Laser glass deposition is a method for fabricating glass components on a glass substrate. The energy input and the resulting temperature are crucial factors in this process, which can influence the material properties and the resulting geometry. Also, depending on the temperature in the substrate, difficulties such as high residual stresses or thermal shock can occur. The temperature on the glass substrate and in the melt zone can be changed either directly by the laser power or laser spot size, or indirectly by other process variables such as travel speed or path planning strategy. In this study, the energy input and the resulting temperature in the melt zone are numerically investigated under selected process parameters. Based on this, a regression function was created so that the generated temperature can be calculated by corresponding laser power, laser spot diameter, and axis velocity. Moreover, different tool path strategies for the production of horizontally multilayered surfaces were thermally investigated. The results showed a more uniform temperature profile with zigzag movement than the spiral tool path. The influence of the turning point angle in path planning on the temperature change was also investigated. It was observed that the 90° corner in contrast to the smaller angle has no significant influence on the temperature change.

Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools
PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering - Innovation Across Disciplines
External Organisation(s)
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH)
Production Engineering
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Electronic version(s) (Access: Open)