Towards waveshape-insensitive flying qubit gates

verfasst von
I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, A. Demircan

Temporal/spectral waveshapes of photons involved in gate operation are absolutely crucial for the gate operation. In particular, if we consider linear logic approaches [1] the photons in different channels should be un-correlated and indistinguishable [2] , [3]. The waveshape is also important for so called coherent photon conversion (CPC) proposed in [4]. It uses four wave mixing (FWM) between single-photons in presence of a strong coherent field. For instance, two photons in the distinct modes which we call here signal s and idler i (see Fig. 1a ) can be converted into a pump p photon and then back, demonstrating Rabi-like oscillations; after each oscillation, the phase of the wavepacket is shifted by π , leading to a nonlinear sign (NS) gate functionality. However, since only time-coincident ( t i = t s ) parts of the two-photon wavepacket interact, almost any waveshape leads to a non-ideal gate operation [5]. This problem was elegantly solved in [6] where the signal and idler are assumed to propagate through each other with nonzero velocity (see Fig. 1a ), and interaction of independent photons was demonstrated.

Institut für Quantenoptik
PhoenixD: Simulation, Fabrikation und Anwendung optischer Systeme
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ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete
Elektronische, optische und magnetische Materialien, Atom- und Molekularphysik sowie Optik
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